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Bridge Film Festival in Verona 2024 Schedule

Looking for something to do in Verona next week? You’re in luck! From July 9th to 13th, the Filippini neighborhood in Verona will host the Bridge Film Festival, featuring documentaries, short films, concerts, workshops, meetings, and performances. This year’s festival extends to three unique venues: the Dogana di Fiume, the Teatro Satiro Off, and the Ex Macello.

Bridge Film Festival: 2024 Theme

The 2024 edition focuses on the theme “Cause Boys Don’t Cry,” and will feature films that explore male emotions and challenging the traditional tough-guy stereotype. Additionally, the festival has been extended by one day to include a special preview dedicated to the theme of identity.

The title takes its cue from the 1979 hit by the English band The Cure, a song in which a boy desperate for the end of a love cannot allow himself to cry, because he would not be accepted by others. 

-Bridge Film Festival Website

The Bridge Film Festival’s goal is to address important issues through its cinema medium. Known for its power to provoke deep reflection, cinema engages audiences both individually and collectively. This art form serves as a valuable conduit not only for adults but also for young people and adolescents, which they hope will shape the men and women of tomorrow.

By presenting diverse narratives, the festival aims to provide a meaningful alternative to the often superficial content found online. Films can offer authentic emotions and experiences, becoming a reference point for genuine feelings. Through the upcoming events, the festival intends to delve into themes that contribute to the development of well-rounded, complex, and profound human beings.

Bridge Film Festival Program of Events

Tuesday, July 9
The festival kicks off at Dogana di Fiume with Musiforum, organized by Salmon Magazine, featuring a live listening session of Frank Ocean’s album “Blonde.” The evening continues with screenings of international short films that explore male affectivity.

Full July 9 Schedule

Wednesday, July 10
Dogana di Fiume will host a concert by the Veronese nu-jazz trio Iride. This is followed by a discussion with psychologist Federico Saccardo from NAV (Non Agire Violenza) and a dance performance by Deborah Lyaa Scandolara. The day concludes with the screening of “Wild Board Hunting” and the feature film “Quitter la nuit” by Canadian director Delphine Girardi, who will be present for a Q&A session.

Full July 10 Schedule

Thursday, July 11
Thursday begins with a riverside soundtrack by the Veronese band “Mario Rossi fa rap,” followed by a discussion on the state of cinema in Verona with industry professionals. In the evening, Stefano Santini’s short film “La PPP vita di Napoleone” and Kleber Mendonça Filho’s documentary “Retratos fantasmas” will be screened. At Teatro Satiro Off, the festival will feature the cult classic “Touki Bouki” by Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambety and an evening of eight international short films under the “Coming of Age” theme.

Full July 11 Schedule

Friday, July 12
Dogana di Fiume will showcase the electro-pop duo Trust the Mask and the augmented reality installation “Cosmosonic” by Elektro Moon Vision. The day includes a dance performance by Deborah Lyaa Scandolara and screenings of “La casa del bosco” and Saskia Gubbels’ documentary “Burning Out.” Teatro Satiro Off will highlight Middle Eastern works like “The Present” by Farah Nabulsi and “Martyr” by Masen Khaled, followed by experimental short films in the “Experimenta” series. The Ex Macello, starting from July 12, will feature audio-video performances and a live music-accompanied screening of Charlie Chaplin’s “The Circus.”

Full July 12 Schedule

Saturday, July 13
The final day at Dogana di Fiume begins with a concert by the rock band Crema from Pesaro, followed by a talk with judges Marina Occhionero and Luca Zambolin, and a dance performance. The evening concludes with the announcement of the Golden Cocai award winner and screenings of international short films. Teatro Satiro Off will continue the “Queste cinque piangere sulla mia pelle” review with European masterpieces such as “Zero de Conduit” by Jean Vigo and “Nick’s Movie – Lightning Over Water” by Wim Wenders, alongside more experimental shorts. The Ex Macello will feature performances by Veronese violinist Laura Masotto with visuals by Nicholas Bertini and the experimental trio {scope} with visuals by Domiziano Maselli.

Full July 13 Schedule

For more details, and to buy tickets, visit the official Bridge Film Festival website.

Travel Verona
Travel Verona
We're just a couple passionately sharing our experiences and expertise in the City of Love, a city so full of hidden gems and rich history. When we're not crafting blog posts, you'll find us sipping espresso in a sunny piazza or walking by the Adige River.


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